Welcome to the WDC Facilities Management i-Learn page. 

The learning resources listed on your Skills Passport are part of the Facilities Management Employee Development Pathway.

Skills Passport A Skills Passport B Skills Passport 1 Skills Passport 2 Skills Passport 3 Skills Passport 4
New Employees Existing Employees Preparing Leaders Enabling Leaders Inspiring Leaders Empowering Leaders

How to access your Skills Passport and record your completion dates:

  • Access your Skills Passport by selecting from the above options.   

  • It is recommended you download either an electronic or hard copy of your skills passport from here and remember to manually record the date you complete each learning resource. 

  • If you are unsure which Skills Passport is relevant to you, please speak to your line manager.

Additional i-Learning for New Employees and Existing Employees:

To access the resource, select the link below: